Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kettle Valley

Dog deer! Thats what these two little bucks were, both probably 2 years old. Will make for some tasty chops in my freezer. Nice to get out with Bryan for the weekend to a hunting spot that my family has been goin to for the last 45 years. We've got the area pretty dialled so we got both of these on the second day. A couple of does walked so close to where I was sitting that I could have almost touched them. The first whitetail buck was racing along through some trees chasing a few does and popped out right in front of me. The second deer was later that day way up on a hillside, I'd gone to look at a couple of muley does in a cut block when BOOM I heard Bryan shoot from behind me. 2 deer dressed out and hanging by dark, head back to the island next morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darin,

    Just checking to see if this works! Hope all is well, will send more later.

