Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Spent day two traversing Oregon along the Columbia River and then south along the coastline to Cannon Beach. Very hilly country, is going to be very tough to cycle next spring; thank god for tandem bikes (you hear me Lundine??? Dodsworth is mine!!). Spent the night at Cannon Beach and breakfast at Indian Head overlooking Haystack rock

On to Tillamook (Cheese Factory). Winner of the Carmichael/Wilson taste test? #1 Sharp Cheddar followed by the Habenero Chedder. Delicious!

Boiler Bay near Depoe Bay Wilson got her first ever Whale sighting and damn near jumped out of the truck. Got clagged in with fog as we made our way through Dune City; couldn't see a thing.

Got the email about Hurricane Rick. Thanks Trev and Dad. Looks to be a big one, will check into it before we head across the border. Latest updates on Baja Nomad have it hitting just the tip of the penninsula and then heading west. http://forums.bajanomad.com/viewthread.php?tid=41946&page=5

Yesterday big day driving. Lots of swell on the coast, north of the Rogue River near Gold Beach were lots of points that had empty waves. Was unreal, peak after peak. From there, Port Oxford, across the Cali border through the Redwoods. Massive, holy shit, absolutely huge. You can't imagine how big those trees are..... Would be a massive chainsaw effort to fall one of those. But fun. Humboldt undercut on a stump versus Humboldt County and giant trees? Any connection? It would seem so....

Pushed on through to Ukiah to a small brew house. Terrible beer, don't stop there, tasted like old socks and burnt toenails. This morning at Sonoma County, headed to Napa Valley for some vino. Weather warm, shorts and T's.


  1. Haha, i can just picture Lyss freaking about the whale, clambering over the seat to get a better view... too funny. Great pics.

  2. I love the pic with doggie and you in blue. More, more I'm bloggin!
