Fire in Penticton, I think they're calling it Gallagher Lake. We spent the afternoon in Kelowna before flipping down to this fire near Oliver. We were warned about rattlesnakes and scorpions, but it was the cactus that took it's fair share of casualties. As you can see, Colin found a big patch of spines embedded in his knee at one point. Long, slow days of digging guard and looking for elusive smokes that evaded our efforts from the previous day. Breaks are spent looking for scraps of shade beneath the Sage and hulks of burned out Ponderosa. Pat Quinn at the casino. Man, he is huge!! Hands like baseball mitts. I think I mumbled something about, "congrats Coach on your Edmonton signing..". The last one, trying to get on top of the casino fountain at 2 am. Classic.
DC - what a sweet site. This is great !! Definitely gonna send some links up to this. Nice work.